Fact or Fiction? 12 Skincare Myths Revealed

Fact or Fiction? 12 Skincare Myths Revealed

When it comes to skincare, there seems to be an endless amount of information of what does and doesn't work. From trends on social media to old wives' tales, it can be frustrating trying to separate fact from fiction. Let's uncover the truth behind some of the most common myths and discover what is really good for your skin.

MYTH 1: The more you wash your face, the better it is for your skin

False! Over washing your face will damage the skin barrier, alter the pH levels and strip the skin of it's natural oils which can then lead to breakouts. Twice a day is enough, and if you have very dry skin, washing once a day during winter can be plenty.

MYTH 2: People with oily skin don't need to moisturise

Not true. Even if you have oily skin, it is still important to moisturise. If you don't the skin may start to dry out and then as a response will over produce the it's natural oil, sebum. 

MYTH 3: Acne only occurs when you're a teenager

This is probably one of the biggest skincare myths out there. Puberty can be a trigger for acne and those who had it in their teenage years may also have it through adulthood. Similarly, someone who never had it as a teenager could get it when they are older. There are different types of acne and factors like diet, lifestyle, stress and hormones can all have an affect.

MYTH 4: Sleeping in your make-up every now and again is ok

If there is one skincare rule you only ever live by, let it be always to remove your make-up before bedtime. While we sleep, our skin goes into ‘restore and recover’ mode as it works hard to limit any damaging affects you may have encountered through the day, such as stress and external pollution. Leaving make-up on will hinder this important nighttime process and it will also clog the pores which may lead to breakouts.

MYTH 5: Men don't need to do skincare

False! Skincare has no gender, we all need to look after our skin. Men's skin is different to women's, it can be around 25% thicker due to the presence of more testosterone, the texture may be tougher due to facial hair and shaving and it can be oilier. Our Balancing Marine Cream has been created to deeply hydrate and calm the skin. It contains bergamot oil which is a natural cleanser that helps to unblock pores and balance sebum (oil) levels, and can be ideal for men's skin.

MYTH 6: You only need to use SPF on sunny days

Not true at all. UVA and UVB rays can penetrate through clouds so make sure you are protected all year round. Apply your SPF after you have moisturised and opt for a natural, mineral based sunscreen. 

MYTH 7: You need to use a lot of products to get results

Quality of product is more important that quantity when it comes to your skincare routine. Using 3-5 products that work for your skin type is better than overloading the skin with too many products. Simplifying your routine will mean you can maximise the potential of your products and use them full before re-purchasing. A simple cleanse, tone, and moisturise with the right products for your skin can go a long way.

MYTH 8: Washing with hot water is good for the skin

If you wash with very hot water, it can leave your skin dry and itchy as it removes the natural oils and moisture. The skin on your face is particularly sensitive, so use lukewarm water when cleansing.

MYTH 9: The harder you exfoliate the skin, the better

Exfoliation should be gentle and non-abrasive. For the face choose an exfoliator that has fine granules that will work gently without stripping the skin of it's natural oils. If using our Exfoliating Face Mask, as a general guideline we would recommend using it 1-2 times a week or 2-3 times if you have oily skin.

MYTH 10: Skin feeling tight is good, right?

This is not true! If your skin feels 'tight' then it means it;s dry and it's time to moisturise and invest in products that will deeply hydrate and nourish multiple skin layers, like our Hydra+ Marine Cream.

MYTH 11: Toothpaste will treat pimples and acne

We are not sure where this skincare myth originated from, but there is no evidence to suggest that using toothpaste will help with breakouts. Keep the toothpaste for brushing your teeth! Applying a concentrated amount of ishga Regenerating Face Serum can help with inflammation of breakouts and will support skin healing.

MYTH 12: Wearing make-up can cause acne

Wearing make-up will not cause you to get acne, not properly removing it could. Double cleanse to make sure the skin is thoroughly cleaned, using either ishga Active Cleansing Lotion or Marine Cleansing Balm (or a combination of both). Don't forget about your make up brushes, wash them on a regular basis and for a quick refresh, you can spritz some of our organic Sanitiser onto the brush before patting dry with a towel.

Separating fact from fiction can help you build a skincare routine that brings results and keeps your skin glowing and healthy!

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