
pure water

Hebridean Seawater

The coastal waters surrounding the Outer Hebrides are recognised as being amongst the most pristine in the world, and to reflect this, they have been given the highest quality classification available by SEPA (Scottish Environmental Protection Agency). The sea is rich in vital minerals and contains 83 elements of the periodic table. ishga uses Hebridean seawater in all products.  The seawater is collected from the surf as the waves break on many of the beautiful island beaches.


People have always been mindful of water, as it is at the heart of all living matter. Historically, on the Hebridean Islands of Scotland, great importance was attached to locations which held water. In particular, certain natural springs were noted for different healing and therapeutic properties. These locations always emanated a sense of beauty, however people were also aware that these were special spiritual places, endowed with magical virtues which could bring health from the heart of the earth.


Every product within the ishga skincare range includes water from one such historical Hebridean healing spring. The spring is situated in a beautiful remote location among the hills and lochs on the Hebridean Isle of Lewis. This particular spring is a lively spring with a bottom of blue clay.  According to local folklore it was used throughout the ages for its healing and therapeutic properties.

